Copier Fort Worth: What Do You Really Need?
This is one of those industry insider posts that will give you a little insight into the wild west of copiers in Fort Worth. Like cars, insurance, and financial planning, copier sales are filled with margin. The bigger copier you buy, the more your copier rep is going to make in commission. There are extremely good questions your copier sales rep should ask. If he or she isn’t asking you questions and trying to sell you a copier (monochrome or color copier), you’re probably being sold a piece of equipment that has the most commission.
Here are some questions your rep should ask:
How many b&w copies do you make per month?
How many color copies do you do per month?
Do you print in legal or tabloid?
How many tabloid prints?
How many users will this copier have?
Would you rather have higher upfront costs and cheaper copies, or would you rather have consistent monthly payments?
Are your per month copy/print volumes consistent during the year?
Do you need stapling or booklet making?
Do you need scan to e-mail?
These are important questions, and you should know the answer to ALL of them before renewing your copier contract. In fact, if you’re looking at renewing your copier lease or buying a copier in Fort Worth, you should print this article and have it on your desk! These questions help you define what you’re going to need in your new copier in Forth Worth. You don’t want to overpay by up to double for tabloid function if you only do three tabloid pages a year. Knowing what you need (and don’t) will save you a lot of money on your next copier purchase. Give us a call for an in depth look at what you need in your Fort Worth copier purchase.