How to Throw Away a Lot of Cash On Your Copier…Tips and Tricks For Wasting Cash


This is a little article for those of you in Fort Worth who have lots of money.   If your Fort Worth copier budget isn’t something you worry about, this article is for you.   If monthly costs and the bottom line don’t concern you at all, let me give you some tips for your next 4 year copier lease or copier purchase in Fort Worth.

First, don’t shop around.   If you shop around, you’ll end up finding a wild difference in copier quotes.   The very best way to waste your cash is to buy from the nicest copier rep who takes you golfing or out to an expensive lunch.   Shopping around will prevent you from hearing other copier options, and you won’t be able to waste money as efficiently.

Second, don’t get an itemized quote.   IF you decide to shop around, DO NOT get an itemized quote.   With an itemized quote, your Fort Worth copier reps won’t be able to pad the numbers as much…not that they ever would…hmm.

Third, ALWAYS get unlimited monthly copies.   This will allow your friendly copier rep to charge you for 20-30% more copies per month than you actually use.   If wasting money is really a priority, you absolutely must get an “unlimited prints” plan on your new copier.

Fourth, NEVER compare copiers or printers in Forth Worth.   If you compare, you’ll end up getting the most efficient copier for your needs.   This will NOT help you waste your cash!   Don’t use our comparison tool to find out which machine has the lowest operating costs for your needs.   Wasting money effectively means you need to be ignorant about current technology.   DO NOT compare!!

There are of course many more ways you can waste money more effectively; if you want to do it very well, please follow my advice.   If however, money is tight and being frugal and wise with your copier budget is important to you, give me a call, and we’ll work out an itemized quote based on your actual monthly volumes.   Talk to you soon!