Copier Sales in Tarrant County Can Be a Challenge!!

This post is kind of a post that I think will be cathardic.  I am sometimes frustrated when a customer calls me and wants information on copiers, sometimes taking up to 45 minutes of my time with questions and then when you call back they say, “I am not interested, bye.”  OK, I understand I…

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Copier Sales in Tarrant County, Who do you Trust?

Are you looking to purchase a copier in Tarrant County?  Copier sales in Tarrant County can be tricky to decide who to trust and what to buy.  There are a few things you can do to make your life a ton easier here in Tarrant County when you’re buying your next copier!  What are those…

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Don’t Get Trapped by Your Copier Company in Ft Worth!

Are you in the market for a new copier in Fort Worth?  Is it time to get rid of that old copier and get something a little more modern in the office.  Something that will actually scan and make your life easier…  Before you breathe too big a sigh of relief, there are some things…

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Don’t Feel Trapped by Your Next Copier Lease in Fort Worth

It has almost been 5 years and it is time to start looking for a new copier.  The one you have has been working OK, but you felt a little stuck the last year or two because you wanted features like color scanning or just less service calls.  We have a little different view on…

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Are You Guilty of Spending too Much on Your Copier?

 OK, we’ve all done it.  We have all spent too much on an item and later realized we got a terrible deal.  There have been some historically bad deals such as France selling 800,000 acres in the Louisana purchase when we had only set out to buy New Orleans for $11,250,000.     Now, this isn’t…

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Blow up the Way You Buy Copiers!

Copiers have been around for years and so has the way we buy copiers.  Nothing changes because we get used to our patterns.  What are some of the expensive patterns copier buyers in Fort Worth fall into? Rather than buying based on need, people buy based on what the old budget was.  Copier prices have…

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Not All Copier Decisions are Good Ones

Are you in the market for a copier and are thinking about renewing with the compny you have worked with for the last 20 years?  Maybe it is time to look at your decision and to evaluate some of the current options out there.  We have built our business by staying in touch with the…

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Going Green Can Save You Money!

Are you a business in Fort Worth that has been thinking some about environmental sustainability but are afraid that if you go down the path of “Going Green” you will cost your business an arm and a leg?  There is good news for you!  Going Green does not have to be expensive!  In fact it…

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Are Copier Expenses Breaking the Bank?

We talk to a lot of people these days who are concerned about the economy and want to make sure they are prudent before they make a copier purchase in Fort Worth, Texas.   We get this, to be sure, as we have to make a lot of our own decisions regarding what contracts to keep…

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